Cooperative Education is an integrated approach to higher education that enables highly motivated students to alternate academic terms with paid, relevant work experience. Science co-op students complete a standard academic degree program, as well as 3 or 4 co-op work terms in jobs related to their studies. For employers, hiring a co-op student is a great way to work a candidate for a potential full-time position with minimal risk. Science co-op programs are accredited by Cooperative Education and Work- Integrated Learning, Canada from 2022 to 2027. Note : Sustainable Chemistry is not yet accredited but once eligible, it is planned to apply for accreditation.
Currently We Offer Undergraduate Science Co-op Programs In:
- Actuarial & Financial Mathematics
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Biochemistry (Biomedical Research Specialization)
- Biology & Pharmacology
- Chemical Biology
- Chemistry
- Sustainable Chemistry
- Earth & Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Kinesiology (applications open Fall 2024)
- Life Sciences
- Medical and Biological Physics
- Molecular Biology & Genetics
- Physics
Consult the Undergraduate Calendar for program requirements.
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