Life Sciences student locked in to launching his career

Masihullah Furmuli knows a thing or two about dressing for success. And he also knows that chasing your dream career isn’t just about looking the part: you also need to show up and act the part.
The fourth-year Life Sciences student signs up for almost every event hosted by Science Career and Cooperative Education and takes the initiative to mix and mingle with leading employers who could one day be his boss.
Masihullah attended Pathways to Success – Advancing Tomorrow’s Science Careers; an event held earlier this term where leading employers and science students came together for a series of mock interviews. The employers identified key competencies that help students prepare for success in their future science careers and then shared their insights during a panel interview.
During the panel discussions, the events team wondered why one of the employers was sitting with the students in the audience. They quickly realized that it was Masihullah, dressed for success in a full suit. Following the panel interview, he talked with the panelists to introduce himself and learn more about different career paths. He was on a mission to learn how to effectively communicate his interest in diverse roles including those outside his field of study. Masihullah talked with employers until the end of the event. He was one of the last students there.
“I learned that it’s all about communication skills and strong leadership.” Those were two of the many skills employers identified as the key to unlocking success in the future of science careers.
He returned for the Life Sciences breakfast a few weeks later, a networking event where employers and McMaster Life Sciences alumni came together to answer the question, “What can you do with a Life Sciences degree?”
True to form, Masihullah showed up dressed for the part and spent time chatting with several employers including a recruiter from Taro Pharmaceuticals. Two weeks later, he continued to sharpen his networking skills at another careers event hosted by SCCE and Taro Pharmaceuticals.
Masihullah’s proactive approach to networking demonstrates the power of genuine connections, says Alice O’Carroll, Director of Science Career and Cooperative Education. “Masihullah is one of those students who’s really focused on grabbing hold of any and all opportunities that’ll help him on his journey to a dream job after graduation.”
Careers, Events