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2024 Year in Review

Student Engagement

In 2024, student engagement was higher than ever largely due to the new focus on bringing career education into the classroom, expansion of our programming, emphasis on employer connection events for students from every program and our enhanced social media marketing efforts.

4,600+ undergraduate students were engaged through appointments or events.

Career Education

2,500+ undergraduate students accessed in-person/virtual career advising appointments and drop-in services.

2,100+ undergraduate students increased their career readiness through employer networking events and career professional development sessions.

545+ graduate students increased their career knowledge and skills by attending career development workshops, employer panels and case competitions.

Cooperative Education

Co-op students earned a total of over $5 million this year.

Over 2,100 co-op roles were posted on OSCARplus.

We partnered with 466 employers.

Co-op students completed 659 co-op work terms.

Advancing Tomorrow’s Science Careers  

This strategic alignment funded project has demonstrated great success in both project streams in the first year, leading to service transformation and enhanced programming for science students.

Science Professional Competency Framework

Following a thorough literature review and extensive consultation with science students, faculty members, McMaster Alumni and employer partners, we created the Science Professional Competency Framework. Designed to equip students with the crucial competencies employers and graduate schools are looking for, McMaster science students are being prepared to stand out from the competition so they can excel in their chosen field. Our team is currently partnering with faculty to integrate the eight competencies into the academic curriculum and into co-op, experiential and career education programming.

Design Your Science Career

Drawing on the success of Stanford University’s “Design Your Life” model, we created Design Your Science Career. 670 students participated in Design Your Science Career in 2024, and among more than 400 students surveyed, 94% expressed agreement or strong agreement that Design Your Science Career effectively supports them in their career exploration journey. In partnership with Dr. Krupa Patel, we piloted Design Your Science Career (3 units) as an experiential learning opportunity where students are empowered to think deeply about the lives and careers they want and to proactively begin their career journey. Through the experiential opportunity students develop the tools and skills to build careers that align with their interests. Keen to capitalize on the programs success, we’re adopting a design-thinking methodology into career and experiential education programming and going forward, we’re challenging our students to ‘Design Your Future Today!’

Logo with light bulb and text that says, "Design Your Future Today"

Out of 400 McMaster science students who participated in the programming, 94% agreed/strongly agreed Design Your Science Career supports their career exploration journey

“Design Your Science Career pushes me to explore different careers and encourages me to take action on my thoughts.” – Anonymous science student

Actuarial Career Test Drive Program

We created the Actuarial Career Test-drive Program by securing funding through Business + Higher Education Roundtable and the Government of Canada.

This exciting pilot initiative has allowed us to create 215 work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities designed to enhance students’ career readiness. These opportunities include 145 case competitions, 60 industry projects and 10 internships. Inspired by the success of this initiative we are exploring opportunities for expanding opportunities for students to gain professional experience.

Supported by Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER), a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization. BHER brings together Canada’s largest companies and leading post-secondary institutions to build opportunities for young Canadians, boost innovation and drive collaboration.

Employer Networking Breakfast Series

Building on the success of our previous networking event, “What Can You Do with a Life Sciences Degree?”, we have organized a series of employer networking events for each department within the Faculty of Science. In collaboration with the Student Success Centre, these events bring together industry professionals, McMaster alumni, and science students to explore career opportunities, enhance networking skills, and build valuable connections within the industry.

Co-op Employer of the Year

We launched the inaugural McMaster Science Co-op Employer of the Year Awards. Students were given the opportunity to nominate their employers for Co-op Employer of the Year, recognizing those who go the extra mile to ensure their students excel in their co-op experiences. Our winners in 2024 were Propel Physiotherapy (Emerging Employer Category), TRIUMF (Small Employer Category), and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Large Employer Category). 

Science Career & Co-op Trail Blazers

We launched a series of stories highlighting our student “Trailblazers” — students who have made a significant impact at McMaster, engaged in remarkable experiences, or are excelling through work-integrated learning opportunities (such as co-op, internships), or pursuing outstanding careers.